La mejora de la situación de las finanzas públicas de las Corporaciones Locales en la última década
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20 p.
Las Corporaciones Locales han registrado desde 2012 un superávit fiscal, que contrasta con el défi cit registrado en el resto de las Administraciones Públicas. A pesar de la heterogeneidad en la composición del sector, esta mejora en las fi nanzas públicas se extiende a una amplia mayoría de municipios. Su origen se remonta a la reducción y a la posterior contención de los gastos no financieros surgidas en 2012, especialmente relevantes en el caso del gasto en inversión pública. Las Corporaciones Locales han utilizado esta evolución favorable de sus presupuestos para mejorar significativamente su situación financiera. En particular, desde 2012 el sector ha iniciado un proceso de desendeudamiento, que, si bien presenta cierto grado de heterogeneidad, ha supuesto una reducción notable de su stock de deuda. Esta reducción del pasivo ha venido acompañada de una sustancial mejora de los activos financieros, materializada, en particular, en la acumulación de efectivo y depósitos. Si bien a escala agregada el sector presenta una situación fi nanciera saneada, holgadamente compatible con los límites de deuda establecidos en la Ley Orgánica de Estabilidad Presupuestaria y Sostenibilidad Financiera, aún muestra cierto margen de mejora, en particular en el caso de los ayuntamientos de tamaño medio.
The Spanish local governments have registered a fi scal surplus since 2012, which contrasts with the defi cit registered in other levels of the Public Administration. Despite the heterogeneity in the composition of the sector, this improvement in public fi nances extends to a large majority of municipalities. Its origin goes back to the reduction and subsequent containment of non-fi nancial expenses that emerged in 2012, especially relevant in the case of spending on public investment. Local governments have used this favorable evolution of their budgets to signifi cantly improve their fi nancial situation. In particular, since 2012, the sector has begun a process of debt reduction, which, while presenting a certain degree of heterogeneity, has led to a notable reduction in its debt stock. This reduction of the liability has been accompanied by a substantial improvement in fi nancial assets, materialized, in particular, in the accumulation of cash and deposits. Although at the aggregate level the sector presents a sound fi nancial situation, comfortably compatible with the debt limits established in the Organic Law on Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability, it still has some room for improvement, particularly in the case of medium-sized municipalities.
The Spanish local governments have registered a fi scal surplus since 2012, which contrasts with the defi cit registered in other levels of the Public Administration. Despite the heterogeneity in the composition of the sector, this improvement in public fi nances extends to a large majority of municipalities. Its origin goes back to the reduction and subsequent containment of non-fi nancial expenses that emerged in 2012, especially relevant in the case of spending on public investment. Local governments have used this favorable evolution of their budgets to signifi cantly improve their fi nancial situation. In particular, since 2012, the sector has begun a process of debt reduction, which, while presenting a certain degree of heterogeneity, has led to a notable reduction in its debt stock. This reduction of the liability has been accompanied by a substantial improvement in fi nancial assets, materialized, in particular, in the accumulation of cash and deposits. Although at the aggregate level the sector presents a sound fi nancial situation, comfortably compatible with the debt limits established in the Organic Law on Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability, it still has some room for improvement, particularly in the case of medium-sized municipalities.
Publicado en
Documentos Ocasionales / Banco de España, 1915
Corporaciones Locales; Superávit fiscal; Deuda pública; Local governments; Fiscal surplus; Public debt; Política fiscal; Presupuesto y contabilidad pública; Haciendas territoriales; Déficit y deuda públicos; España
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