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Credit portfolios and risk weighted assets: analysis of European banks

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23 p.
This article analyzes the data on credit exposures and risk weighted assets (RWAs) disclosed by the European Banking Authority as result of the comprehensive assessment of European banks in 2014. We examine the sectoral composition of the credit portfolio and study exposure volumes, RWAs, and RWA densities of different sub-portfolios (corporates, retail, etc.). We find that the IRB (Internal Ratings Based) approach to calculate RWAs is extensively used in exposures to the private sector and that this usage is more intense coinciding with situations in which there is a greater reduction in RWA density with respect to the SA (Standardized Approach), alternative method to calculate RWAs. There is also significant variation across countries in terms of IRB use and savings in terms of RWA density, and therefore in capital requirements.
Artículo de revista
Publicado en
Estabilidad Financiera / Banco de España, 29 (noviembre 2015), p. 63-85
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