EMU deepening and sovereign debt spreads: using political space to achieve policy space
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67 p.
La aparición de diferenciales soberanos dentro de la Unión Económica y Monetaria (UEM) responde a que los mercados incorporan en el precio de la deuda pública los fundamentales heterogéneos de los países, pero también el riesgo de redenominación, dada la naturaleza incompleta de la UEM. Esto crea un riesgo permanente de fragmentación financiera. En este documento afirmamos que las decisiones políticas que señalan compromiso por salvaguardar el funcionamiento adecuado del área del euro influyen en los diferenciales soberanos. Para ello, analizamos las decisiones políticas que conducen a mejorar el marco institucional del área del euro. Con el fin de probar nuestra hipótesis, elaboramos una narrativa que clasifica las discusiones y las decisiones reflejadas en todos los documentos y comunicados de prensa emitidos por el Consejo de la Unión Europea (UE) y por el Consejo Europeo durante el período de enero de 2010 a marzo de 2020. Clasificamos los eventos en: (i) integración económica y financiera; (ii) política fiscal, y (iii) rescates. A partir de esta detallada narrativa, llevamos a cabo un análisis de eventos con datos diarios para evaluar el impacto de las decisiones en los diferenciales soberanos. Los resultados señalan que las decisiones sobre integración financiera reducen los diferenciales en los países periféricos. Además, si bien las decisiones sobre temas clave presentan un efecto robusto, este no es el caso de los debates previos sobre estos temas en el ámbito del Consejo. Finalmente, mostramos que los impactos surgen de reducciones en los diferenciales soberanos periféricos, y no por el movimiento opuesto en los países centrales. Concluimos que los responsables políticos de la UE pueden tomar decisiones dentro del «espacio político», que permiten reducir la fragmentación y ganar «espacio para políticas económicas».
Sovereign spreads within the European Monetary Union (EMU) arise because markets price-in heterogeneous country fundamentals, but also re-denomination risks, given the incomplete nature of EMU. This creates a permanent risk of financial fragmentation within the area. In this paper we claim that political decisions that signal commitment to safeguarding the adequate functioning of the euro area influence investors’ valuations. We focus on decisions conducive to enhancing the institutional framework of the euro area (“EMU deepening”). To test our hypothesis we build a comprehensive narrative of events (decisions) from all documents and press releases issued by the Council of the EU and the European Council during the period January 2010 to March 2020. We categorize the events as dealing with: (i) economic and financial integration; (ii) fiscal policy; (iii) bailouts. With our extremely rich narrative at hand, we conduct event-study regressions with daily data to assess the impact of events on sovereign bond yields and find that indeed decisions on financial integration drive down periphery spreads. Moreover, while decisions on key subjects present a robust effect, this is not the case with prior discussions on those subjects at the Council level. Finally, we show that the impacts arise from reductions in peripheral sovereign spreads, and not by the opposite movement in core countries. We conclude that EU policy-makers have at their disposal signicant “political space” to reduce fragmentation and gain “policy space”.
Sovereign spreads within the European Monetary Union (EMU) arise because markets price-in heterogeneous country fundamentals, but also re-denomination risks, given the incomplete nature of EMU. This creates a permanent risk of financial fragmentation within the area. In this paper we claim that political decisions that signal commitment to safeguarding the adequate functioning of the euro area influence investors’ valuations. We focus on decisions conducive to enhancing the institutional framework of the euro area (“EMU deepening”). To test our hypothesis we build a comprehensive narrative of events (decisions) from all documents and press releases issued by the Council of the EU and the European Council during the period January 2010 to March 2020. We categorize the events as dealing with: (i) economic and financial integration; (ii) fiscal policy; (iii) bailouts. With our extremely rich narrative at hand, we conduct event-study regressions with daily data to assess the impact of events on sovereign bond yields and find that indeed decisions on financial integration drive down periphery spreads. Moreover, while decisions on key subjects present a robust effect, this is not the case with prior discussions on those subjects at the Council level. Finally, we show that the impacts arise from reductions in peripheral sovereign spreads, and not by the opposite movement in core countries. We conclude that EU policy-makers have at their disposal signicant “political space” to reduce fragmentation and gain “policy space”.
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Documentos de Trabajo / Banco de España, 2103
Área del euro; Integración de la UE; Diferenciales soberanos; Fragmentación financiera; Euro area; EU integration; Sovereign spreads; Financial fragmentation; Teoría monetaría; Sistema monetario y financiero. Situación y análisis; Integración monetaria europea; Zona euro
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