The effect of tariffs on Spanish goods exports
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48 p.
En este artículo se lleva a cabo una estimación del efecto de los aranceles sobre las exportaciones de bienes españolas. El notable incremento del grado de apertura de la economía española ha aumentado su crecimiento potencial, aunque también supone una mayor exposición al giro proteccionista acaecido en los últimos años. Con la finalidad de evaluar la elasticidad de las exportaciones nominales ante variaciones arancelarias, se construye una base de datos anual con desagregación por productos a 6 dígitos que contiene información procedente de WITS sobre aranceles soportados por los productos españoles en cada país entre 1995-2019 y de exportaciones de bienes extracomunitarias publicadas por Eurostat. Los resultados muestran que un incremento de los aranceles afecta negativamente tanto a las posibilidades de exportación como, de manera persistente, a los valores exportados. De acuerdo con las estimaciones realizadas, un aumento del 1 % de los aranceles a la importación impuestos por otro país para un producto español implica una caída de la probabilidad de exportar a ese mercado de 0,08 puntos porcentuales y una reducción de las exportaciones nominales de alrededor del 1 %.
This paper investigates the impact of trade protectionism in the form of tariff barriers on Spanish goods exports. The Spanish economy has signicantly increased its degree of openness, which improves potential economic growth, but also implies a higher exposure to the protectionist shift in the international environment observed in the last years. With the purpose of assessing exports sensitivity to tariff increases, we obtain a database combining annual tariffs applied to Spanish products over the years 1995-2019 from WITS and bilateral extra-EU Spanish goods exports from Eurostat, with a product disaggregation level at 6 digits. We estimate the effect of tariffs both on exporting probability (i.e. exports extensive margin) through a linear probability model and exports levels (i.e. exports intensive margin) through a gravity equation. The findings of this paper show that higher tariffs reduce exports levels through extensive an intensive margins. A 1% tariff increase reduces on average the probability of exporting to aspecic market by nearly 0.08 pp. and exported values by around 1%.
This paper investigates the impact of trade protectionism in the form of tariff barriers on Spanish goods exports. The Spanish economy has signicantly increased its degree of openness, which improves potential economic growth, but also implies a higher exposure to the protectionist shift in the international environment observed in the last years. With the purpose of assessing exports sensitivity to tariff increases, we obtain a database combining annual tariffs applied to Spanish products over the years 1995-2019 from WITS and bilateral extra-EU Spanish goods exports from Eurostat, with a product disaggregation level at 6 digits. We estimate the effect of tariffs both on exporting probability (i.e. exports extensive margin) through a linear probability model and exports levels (i.e. exports intensive margin) through a gravity equation. The findings of this paper show that higher tariffs reduce exports levels through extensive an intensive margins. A 1% tariff increase reduces on average the probability of exporting to aspecic market by nearly 0.08 pp. and exported values by around 1%.
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Documentos de Trabajo / Banco de España, 2121
Proteccionismo; Exportaciones; Aranceles; Protectionism; Exports; Tariffs; Comercio internacional; Economía internacional; España
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