Comparecencias ante la Comisión de Presupuestos del Congreso de los Diputados, el 25 de octubre de 2021, y ante la Comisión de Presupuestos del Senado, el 30 de noviembre de 2021, en relación con el Proyecto de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para 2022
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102 p.
El gobernador interviene en la discusión del Proyecto de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para 2022, que da soporte a las consideraciones de la política fiscal ante la recuperación gradual de la economía española y mundial tras la profunda crisis económica provocada por la pandemia de COVID-19. Inicia sus comparecencias ante la Comisión de Presupuestos del Congreso de los Diputados con un análisis de la evolución de la economía española y de las perspectivas macroeconómicas, y pasa a detallar los desarrollos nacionales e internacionales más recientes y las fuentes de incertidumbre que van a condicionar el avance de la actividad en los próximos años. En ese marco sitúa su visión del papel de las políticas económicas. En relación con el Proyecto de Presupuestos Generales del Estado, ofrece su valoración sobre el cuadro macroeconómico que incorpora la evolución de los ingresos y gastos públicos, el tono resultante de la política fiscal y la dinámica de la deuda pública. Asimismo, plantea los principales retos para la política fiscal española a medio y a largo plazo, que se estructuran en torno a dos ejes estrechamente vinculados: reforzar la sostenibilidad de las finanzas públicas y mejorar la calidad de las cuentas públicas.
The Governor’s testimony is part of the discussion of the Draft State Budget for 2022. The Budget underpins the fiscal policy considerations ahead of a gradual recovery in the Spanish and global economy, following the deep-seated economic crisis prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic. His testimony before the Congress of Deputies Budget Committee begins with an analysis of developments in the Spanish economy and the macroeconomic outlook. He sets out the latest national and international developments, along with the sources of uncertainty set to influence how economic activity evolves in the coming years. Against this background, he frames his view of the role of economic policies. In connection with the Draft State Budget, he offers his assessment of the attendant macroeconomic forecast, government receipts and spending, the resulting fiscal policy stance and public debt dynamics. He further considers the main challenges for Spanish fiscal policy in the medium and long term, which are structured around two closely linked axes: shoring up the sustainability and improving the quality of public finances. He concludes with some brief thoughts on the reform of the Stability and Growth Pact. In his testimony before the Senate Budget Committee, the Governor updates the information on the economic situation according to the latest information available and analyses in greater detail the latest inflation developments, their causes and how long they may last, and their impact on the European Central Bank’s monetary policy.
The Governor’s testimony is part of the discussion of the Draft State Budget for 2022. The Budget underpins the fiscal policy considerations ahead of a gradual recovery in the Spanish and global economy, following the deep-seated economic crisis prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic. His testimony before the Congress of Deputies Budget Committee begins with an analysis of developments in the Spanish economy and the macroeconomic outlook. He sets out the latest national and international developments, along with the sources of uncertainty set to influence how economic activity evolves in the coming years. Against this background, he frames his view of the role of economic policies. In connection with the Draft State Budget, he offers his assessment of the attendant macroeconomic forecast, government receipts and spending, the resulting fiscal policy stance and public debt dynamics. He further considers the main challenges for Spanish fiscal policy in the medium and long term, which are structured around two closely linked axes: shoring up the sustainability and improving the quality of public finances. He concludes with some brief thoughts on the reform of the Stability and Growth Pact. In his testimony before the Senate Budget Committee, the Governor updates the information on the economic situation according to the latest information available and analyses in greater detail the latest inflation developments, their causes and how long they may last, and their impact on the European Central Bank’s monetary policy.
Publicado en
Documentos Ocasionales / Banco de España, 2130
Otras versiones
Proyecto de Presupuestos Generales del Estado; Cuadro macroeconómico; Perspectivas; Fuentes de incertidumbre; Papel de las políticas económicas; Política fiscal; Deuda pública; Sostenibilidad de las finanzas públicas; Calidad de las cuentas públicas; Eficiencia; NGEU; Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento; Draft State Budget; Macroeconomic forecast; Outlook; Sources of uncertainty; Role of economic policies; Fiscal policy; Public debt; Public finances sustainability; Quality of public finances; Efficiency; NGEU; Stability and Growth Pact; Evolución y desarrollo económicos; Presupuesto y contabilidad pública; Política fiscal; España
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