Designing a price index for the Spanish commercial real estate market
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32 p.
En este documento se propone un índice de precios para el mercado inmobiliario comercial de España y para los principales segmentos que lo componen. En la actualidad no existen índices de precios oficiales para estos activos, y la disponibilidad de estadísticas no oficiales es escasa y tiene una cobertura limitada. Por lo tanto, el índice estimado viene a cubrir esta laguna estadística y permite realizar un mejor seguimiento de la evolución de este mercado. El índice de precios se apoya en la metodología de cálculo de los índices de precios para el mercado de la vivienda del Instituto Nacional de Estadística, si bien tiene en cuenta algunos elementos específicos del sector inmobiliario comercial. Se han considerado, además, diferentes índices alternativos, aunque el indicador propuesto es el que presenta un mejor balance entre varias propiedades estadísticas analizadas en este trabajo.
This paper proposes a price index for the Spanish commercial real estate (CRE) market and its main segments. No official price indices currently exist for these assets and non-official statistics are thin on the ground and offer limited coverage. The estimated index fills this statistical gap, providing for enhanced monitoring of CRE market developments. The price indicator draws on the methodology used to calculate the Spanish National Statistics Institute’s housing market price indices, but factoring in certain elements specific to the CRE sector. Various alternative indices are also considered, although the indicator proposed is that which strikes the best balance between the different statistical properties analysed here.
This paper proposes a price index for the Spanish commercial real estate (CRE) market and its main segments. No official price indices currently exist for these assets and non-official statistics are thin on the ground and offer limited coverage. The estimated index fills this statistical gap, providing for enhanced monitoring of CRE market developments. The price indicator draws on the methodology used to calculate the Spanish National Statistics Institute’s housing market price indices, but factoring in certain elements specific to the CRE sector. Various alternative indices are also considered, although the indicator proposed is that which strikes the best balance between the different statistical properties analysed here.
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Documentos Ocasionales / Banco de España, 2203
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Mercado inmobiliario comercial; Índices de precios; Modelo de regresión hedónica; Commercial real estate market; Price indices; Hedonic regression model; Economía urbana y vivienda; Renta, empleo y precios; España
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