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Fit-for-purpose external statistics in a changing global landscape

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7 p.; 1 vídeo (16:45)
External statistics, which have traditionally been crucial to monitor the health of open economies, are again becoming increasingly important, as they are key to supporting more informed decisions by policymakers to pursue the most efficient strategies. Tax records, social security data, credit card data or mobile phone data have proved to be very useful in complementing surveys and other traditional data sources. High-quality and timely external statistics that also minimise the burden on reporting institutions are essential.
Evento: Conference “External statistics after the pandemic: addressing novel analytical challenges”. Organizado por: Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics of the Bank for International Settlements, European Central Bank and Banco de España
Incluye: Estadísticas exteriores adecuadas en un entorno global cambiante (versión traducida del discurso original en inglés)
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