Are there alternatives to bankruptcy? : a study of small business distress in Spain
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53 p. : gráf., tab.
Las empresas pequeñas, que constituyen la mayoría del tejido empresarial español, raramente solicitan concurso de acreedores, incluso durante la actual crisis económica. Esto sugiere que la Ley Concursal desempeña un papel limitado en la resolución de las dificultades financieras de estas empresas. El presente trabajo propone una explicación de este hecho que se basa en dos premisas: i) los concursos de acreedores son más costosos y lentos que la principal alternativa, el sistema hipotecario, y ii) los concursos de acreedores son poco atractivos para el deudor individual. El análisis empírico de una amplia base de datos de empresas españolas, francesas y británicas corrobora nuestra hipótesis. En todo caso, es importante tener en cuenta que los resultados de este trabajo se basan en datos que no recogen todavía los efectos de las recientes reformas del marco jurídico que gobierna la insolvencia corporativa y personal
Small businesses, the majority of Spanish firms, rarely file for formal bankruptcy, and this has been the case even during the current economic crisis. This suggests that bankruptcy law has a limited role to play in the distress of small firms. We propose an explanation based on two premises: (i) bankruptcy procedures are more costly and drawn out than the main alternative procedure, the mortgage foreclosure
(ii) personal bankruptcy law is unattractive to the individual debtor. Empirical analyses on a large micro data sample of Spanish, French and UK firms corroborate our hypothesis. It is important to note that these results are based on data that do not yet capture the impact of recent reforms of the Spanish insolvency framework
Small businesses, the majority of Spanish firms, rarely file for formal bankruptcy, and this has been the case even during the current economic crisis. This suggests that bankruptcy law has a limited role to play in the distress of small firms. We propose an explanation based on two premises: (i) bankruptcy procedures are more costly and drawn out than the main alternative procedure, the mortgage foreclosure
(ii) personal bankruptcy law is unattractive to the individual debtor. Empirical analyses on a large micro data sample of Spanish, French and UK firms corroborate our hypothesis. It is important to note that these results are based on data that do not yet capture the impact of recent reforms of the Spanish insolvency framework
Incluye referencias bibliográficas y apéndice con terminología legal
Publicado en
Documentos de Trabajo / Banco de España, 1315
Concurso de acreedores; Hipoteca; Insolvencia; Bankruptcy; Mortgage; Insolvency; Derecho financiero; Estructura y funcionamiento de la empresa; Instituciones financieras no bancarias; España; Francia; Reino Unido
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