Country shocks, monetary policy expectations and ECB decisions, a dynamic non-linear approach
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41 p. : gráf., tab., fórmulas
Algunos trabajos han mostrado que la efectividad de la política monetaria depende, en gran medida, de las expectativas que el Mercado tiene de las futuras acciones de política. Este documento propone un marco econométrico que determina el efecto del ciclo económico sobre estas futuras acciones de política. Específicamente, analizamos el efecto de unos shocks de demanda (u oferta) contractivos (o expansivos) sobre las expectativas de las futuras decisiones de política monetaria. Este análisis lo hacemos en dos etapas. En una primera etapa, construimos índices de actividad real e inflación para cada país basados en la evolución de indicadores reales y de opinión. En una segunda etapa, utilizamos esos índices para determinar el tipo de shock que afecta a la economía y sus efectos sobre expectativas de política monetaria a diferentes horizontes. Nuestros resultados indican que las expectativas responden a shocks agregados contractivos, pero no a shocks expansivos. Particularmente, los shocks de demanda contractivos tienen un efecto negativo sobre las expectativas de política monetaria en el corto plazo, mientras que shocks de oferta contractivos tienen efecto en el medio-largo plazo. Por último, mostramos que shocks en diferentes economías del área del euro no producen reacciones signifi cativamente diferentes, aunque aparecen algunas diferencias entre países
Previous studies have shown that the effectiveness of monetary policy largely depends on market expectations about future policy actions. This paper proposes an econometric framework to address the effect of the current state of the economy on monetary policy expectations. Specifi cally, we study the effect of contractionary (or expansionary) demand (or supply) shocks hitting the euro area countries on the expectations about the ECB’s monetary policy in two stages. In the first stage, we construct indices of real activity and infl ation dynamics for each country, based on soft and hard indicators. In the second stage, we use those indices to provide assessments of the type of aggregate shock hitting each country and assess its effect on monetary policy expectations at different horizons. Our results indicate that expectations are responsive to aggregate contractionary shocks, but not to expansionary shocks. In particular, contractionary demand shocks have a negative effect on short-term monetary policy expectations, while contractionary supply shocks have a negative effect on medium and long-term expectations. Moreover, shocks to different economies do not have significantly different effects on expectations, although some crosscountry differences arise
Previous studies have shown that the effectiveness of monetary policy largely depends on market expectations about future policy actions. This paper proposes an econometric framework to address the effect of the current state of the economy on monetary policy expectations. Specifi cally, we study the effect of contractionary (or expansionary) demand (or supply) shocks hitting the euro area countries on the expectations about the ECB’s monetary policy in two stages. In the first stage, we construct indices of real activity and infl ation dynamics for each country, based on soft and hard indicators. In the second stage, we use those indices to provide assessments of the type of aggregate shock hitting each country and assess its effect on monetary policy expectations at different horizons. Our results indicate that expectations are responsive to aggregate contractionary shocks, but not to expansionary shocks. In particular, contractionary demand shocks have a negative effect on short-term monetary policy expectations, while contractionary supply shocks have a negative effect on medium and long-term expectations. Moreover, shocks to different economies do not have significantly different effects on expectations, although some crosscountry differences arise
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Documentos de Trabajo / Banco de España, 1523
Ciclos económicos; Ciclos de inflación; Política monetaria; Business cycles; Inflation cycles; Monetary policy; Fluctuaciones y ciclos económicos; Política monetaria
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