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The January 2018 Bank Lending Survey in Spain

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The results of the Bank Lending Survey show that during 2017 Q4 credit standards for new loans in Spain eased slightly in loans to households and were stable in loans to enterprises. The pattern was similar in the euro area, except in the case of consumer credit and other lending to households, where credit standards barely changed. Households’ demand for credit rose moderately in both areas, while demand from enterprises grew in the euro area but remained unchanged in Spain. As regards funding received by banks, both Spanish and euro area banks generally perceived some improvement in access to retail markets and to almost all wholesale markets. Lastly, in both areas, regulatory and supervisory measures seem to have prompted some increase in capital levels and risk-weighted assets. Spanish banks assessed these measures as having no significant impact on their funding conditions or on credit standards or margins on loans. In the case of the euro area, the measures appear to have brought a slight easing of bank funding conditions, while the effect on credit standards and margins on loans has generally been small
Artículo de revista
Publicado en
Economic Bulletin / Banco de España, 1/2018
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