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An act to enable the Lord Hight treausrer, or commissioners of his majesty‘s treasury or Ireland for the time being, to sell, lease, convey, or dispose of the parliament house in the city of Dublin, an all the premises and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to the governor and company of the bank of Ireland : 22d june 1802

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Datos de publicación
London : printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan ..., 1802
Descripción física
p. [698]-702, [2] p. en bl.; Fol
Título tomado del epígrafe
Precede al título: "Anno quadragesimo secundo Georgii III regis, Cap. LXXXVII" y un escudo xilográfico
Pie de imprenta consta al final del texto
Sign.: 8O-8P2
Publicado en
FEV-AV-G-00318, 6
Copia digital
Biblioteca del Banco de España 2020. Signatura: FEV-AV-G-00318 (06)
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