The Survey of Financial Competences: description and methods of the 2021 wave
Carvalho-Machado, Caterina; Cal, Sabina de la; Hospido, Laura; Izquierdo, Sara; Machelett, Margarita; Pidkuyko, Myroslav; Villanueva, Ernesto
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31 p.
La Encuesta de Competencias Financieras mide el nivel de competencias financieras de la población adulta española, lo que incluye su comprensión de conceptos financieros básicos, así como su grado de conocimiento, adquisición, tenencia y uso de distintos vehículos financieros de ahorro, seguro y endeudamiento. Entre 2021 y 2022, se ha recogido información de una muestra de gran tamaño, proporcionada por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística, de individuos seleccionados al azar, representativa de la población española de entre 18 y 79 años y de cada una de sus comunidades autónomas. Este documento proporciona una descripción detallada de los aspectos metodológicos más relevantes del diseño y la implementación de esta encuesta: el diseño muestral, el cuestionario, el proceso de recogida de los datos, la validación de dichos datos, el cálculo de los pesos y la imputación.
The Survey of Financial Competences measures the level of financial competence of the Spanish adult population, including their understanding of basic financial concepts, their familiarity with different savings, insurance and debt vehicles, and their holdings, acquisition, and use of such financial vehicles. Between 2021 and 2022 information was collected for a large sample of randomly selected individuals provided by the National Statistics Institute, representative of the Spanish population aged 18 to 79 and of each of its regions. This paper presents a detailed description of the main methodological aspects in the design and implementation of the survey: the sample design, the questionnaire, the data collection process, the validation of the data, the calculation of the weights and the imputation procedure.
The Survey of Financial Competences measures the level of financial competence of the Spanish adult population, including their understanding of basic financial concepts, their familiarity with different savings, insurance and debt vehicles, and their holdings, acquisition, and use of such financial vehicles. Between 2021 and 2022 information was collected for a large sample of randomly selected individuals provided by the National Statistics Institute, representative of the Spanish population aged 18 to 79 and of each of its regions. This paper presents a detailed description of the main methodological aspects in the design and implementation of the survey: the sample design, the questionnaire, the data collection process, the validation of the data, the calculation of the weights and the imputation procedure.
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Documentos Ocasionales / Banco de España, 2425
Related to
Survey of Financial Competences 2021
Competencias financieras; Finanzas personales; Finanzas del hogar; Recogida de datos; Imputación; Pesos; Financial competences; Personal finance; Household finance; Data collection; Imputation; Weights; Economía del hogar; Métodos de recogida de datos; Métodos Econométricos y Estadísticos; España
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