The financial and real performance of non-financial corporations in the euro area : 1999-2015
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Descripción física
48 p. : gráficos, tablas
Este trabajo documenta el comportamiento agregado de las empresas no financieras en las principales economías de la zona del euro y lo compara con el de Estados Unidos a partir de la información de las Cuentas Nacionales Sectoriales y las Cuentas Financieras. Encontramos diferencias muy significativas entre países en un conjunto de ratios financieras y reales, diferencias que se mantienen tras la creación del euro, aunque tras la crisis financiera ha habido convergencia en el coste de la deuda pagada por las empresas y en el proceso de desendeudamiento. Las empresas alemanas presentan una mayor productividad del capital y mayores beneficios. Además, un menor coste medio de la deuda y de los impuestos en las empresas alemanas ha contribuido a que estas presenten una mayor rentabilidad del capital en comparación con las empresas de otros países de la zona del euro y de Estados Unidos. Desde los años de la crisis tanto las empresas alemanas como las españolas han pasado a tener un volumen de ahorro superior al de su inversión, igual que las empresas americanas. También encontramos evidencia de que en la actualidad las empresas dedican, en general, una menor proporción de su cash-flow a inversión
This paper documents the aggregated performance of non-financial corporations in the largest euro area economies and compares it with the performance of the US corporate sector as reported by National Economic Accounts and Financial Accounts. We find significant cross-country structural differences in the behaviour of real and financial indicators that remain long after the creation of the single currency, although there has been convergence in the average cost of debt paid by corporations and in the deleveraging process unfolding after the financial crisis. German corporations stand out, with higher productivity of operating capital and profit margins. Moreover, a lower average cost of debt and also a lower average corporate tax rate have contributed to a higher return of equity in Germany compared with the return in other EU countries and the US. Since the crisis years, German and Spanish companies have joined the US corporations in saving more than they invest. We also find some evidence of a declining proportion of cash-fl ows allocated to capital investment
This paper documents the aggregated performance of non-financial corporations in the largest euro area economies and compares it with the performance of the US corporate sector as reported by National Economic Accounts and Financial Accounts. We find significant cross-country structural differences in the behaviour of real and financial indicators that remain long after the creation of the single currency, although there has been convergence in the average cost of debt paid by corporations and in the deleveraging process unfolding after the financial crisis. German corporations stand out, with higher productivity of operating capital and profit margins. Moreover, a lower average cost of debt and also a lower average corporate tax rate have contributed to a higher return of equity in Germany compared with the return in other EU countries and the US. Since the crisis years, German and Spanish companies have joined the US corporations in saving more than they invest. We also find some evidence of a declining proportion of cash-fl ows allocated to capital investment
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Documentos Ocasionales / Banco de España, 1708
Empresas no financieras; Cuentas sectoriales; Evolución financiera; Rentabilidad de activos; Zona del euro; Non-financial corporations; Sectoral National Accounts; Financial performance; Rates of return of assets and equity; Euro area; Estructura y funcionamiento de la empresa; Financiación de la empresa; Zona euro
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