Spain : from immigration to emigration?
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39 p. : gráf., tab., fórmulas
Desde el inicio de la Gran Recesión la tasa de desempleo en España ha aumentado en casi 18 puntos porcentuales. El aumento del desempleo está afectando a todos los grupos de población, incluyendo a los individuos de mayor nivel educativo y, en mayor medida, a la población extranjera, cuya tasa de desempleo es de alrededor del 40 %. Esta situación se ha producido después de un período en el que tuvieron lugar flujos de inmigración muy elevados (1995-2007) que llevaron a la población extranjera residente en España a alcanzar el 11 % de la población total. En este artículo se documentan las características de los flujos migratorios recientes observados en España y se analiza el modo en que la población extranjera, en relación con la población española, está cambiando sus pautas migratorias en respuesta al aumento del desempleo. Con base en esta comparación, se extraen algunas conclusiones acerca de la composición de la población emigrante española por nivel educativo y se conjeturan algunas de sus implicaciones
Since the start of the Great Recession the unemployment rate in Spain has risen by almost 18 percentage points. The unemployment crisis is affecting all population groups, including the more highly educated
but it is even more acute for the foreign population, whose unemployment rate is close to 40%. This situation follows a period of very high immigration flows (1995-2007) that set the number of foreigners living in Spain at 11% of the population. This paper documents the characteristics of recent migration flows to Spain and compares how foreign and Spanish nationals are moving abroad and across Spanish regions in response to the unemployment crisis. Building on this comparison, we shed some light on the selection of migrants by educational level and offer conjecture as to the implications of the migration outflows observed in recent years
Since the start of the Great Recession the unemployment rate in Spain has risen by almost 18 percentage points. The unemployment crisis is affecting all population groups, including the more highly educated
but it is even more acute for the foreign population, whose unemployment rate is close to 40%. This situation follows a period of very high immigration flows (1995-2007) that set the number of foreigners living in Spain at 11% of the population. This paper documents the characteristics of recent migration flows to Spain and compares how foreign and Spanish nationals are moving abroad and across Spanish regions in response to the unemployment crisis. Building on this comparison, we shed some light on the selection of migrants by educational level and offer conjecture as to the implications of the migration outflows observed in recent years
Publish on
Documentos de Trabajo / Banco de España, 1503
Flujos de inmigración y emigración; Desempleo; Composición de la emigración; Migration inflows and outflows; Unemployment; Educational selection of migrants; Distribución de las rentas y riquezas de las personas; Mercado de trabajo; España
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